Editorial policy

Focus and scope

The journal Política Internacional, Cuba, is a peer-reviewed, Open Access, serialized scientific publication, edited and published by the Instituto Superior de RelacionesInternacionales "Raúl Roa García".

It publishes original research articles, reflection and review articles, notes, reviews, dissertations and commentaries on recently published articles, books and research.

It submits all of its contents to various repositories, under the principle of making information freely available to all interested parties, in order to promote the dissemination and exchange of global knowledge. Submission of manuscripts, processing, evaluation, editing and publication is completely free of charge. Likewise, the journal accepts for evaluation and possible publication, manuscripts previously deposited in recognized preprint servers.

Thematic Coverage

It aims to contribute to the study and development of Political Science, with special emphasis on international relations, as well as to the analysis of international politics, with an interdisciplinary character.

Target audience

Academics, public administration officials, professionals and scholars of international relations in Cuba and the rest of the world.


Receives and publishes contributions in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Type of license

The entire content of the journal is accessible and protected under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) License, which permits its use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, as well as the creation of derivative works, provided that the original author is cited and acknowledged and that it is for non-commercial purposes.


To publish and disseminate, nationally and internationally, research results and other forms of scientific communication that contribute to the study, updating and debate of political science, with special emphasis on international relations and the analysis of international politics.


To be a scientific journal of reference, with national and international recognition and visibility in the field of international relations and the analysis of international politics, contributing to the advancement of studies related to the thematic areas it deals with.

Certifications, registration and indexing

The journal is certified by CITMA (Code 2295920), registered in the National Register of Serial Publications (RNPS No. 2092, Folio 098, Volume III) and has an electronic (2707-7330) and printed (1810-9330) ISSN.

It is included or indexed in the following national and international directories, catalogues, portals, platforms, repositories, networks and search engines for scientific and academic content:


DOAJ  (Directory of Open Access Journals), CLASE (Citas LatinoamericanasenCienciasSociales y Humanidades), EUROPUB (Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals), ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources), CiteFactor, DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), Journament (Journal Indexing and Scoring Service), Latindex.


Catálogo Latindex 2.0, WorldCat, AURA


ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), LatinREV (Red latinoamericana de revistasacadémicasencienciassociales y humanidades), I2OR (International Institute of Organized Research), ResearchBib (Academic Resource Index), SIS (Scientific Indexing Service), Global Scholar Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index.


BIBLAT (Bibliografía Latinoamericana), CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales), MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas), AmeliCA, EDUNIV (Red de Editoriales Universitarias), RedCien (Red Cubana de la Ciencia), LiVre (Revista de livre acceso).


REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge), ZENODO (General-purpose open access repository)


Google Scholar, ISIDORE


BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), MIR@BEL

Section policies

The journal Política Internacional includes the following sections in its published issues:

Words to the readers: Contribution written by the editorial board, or a guest expert, with the aim of introducing the topics covered in the issue in question of the journal. It is also used to make known the position or opinion of the journal in relation to a certain aspect (policy, theoretical, conceptual, etc.) related to the issue of the journal in which it is published. Its length will not exceed 1500 words. It is not peer-reviewed.

 ____Submissions are accepted

 __X__ Indexed


The World We Live In: Includes analytical and scholarly articles on the dynamic contemporary developments in international relations and international politics, favoring a trans, inter and multidisciplinary approach. Double-blind peer-reviewed.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed

__X__ Peer-reviewed

Cuban diplomacy: Section devoted to issues related to the exercise, impact, and practice of Cuban diplomacy, the country's international relations or Cuba's foreign policy, from a broad and multidimensional perspective, including its history, present reality and future projection. Double-blind peer-reviewed.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed

__X__ Peer-reviewed

International Relations: includes articles of conceptual theoretical depth for international relations theory, international policy analysis and political science, favouring a trans, inter and multidisciplinary approach. Double-blind peer-reviewed.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed

__X__ Peer-reviewed

Student Scientific Lens: includes one student article per published issue of the journal, on a topic consistent with the focus and scope of the journal, with special emphasis on international relations, political science and international policy analysis. Double-blind peer-reviewed by academic peers.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed

__X__ Peer-reviewed

Notes, reviews, dissertations, comments: of articles, books and research recently published or resulting from academic events. Maximum length of 5 pages. They must not refer to publications or events more than two years old. Interviews related to the editorial profile of the journal are also accepted. They are not peer-reviewed. They are reviewed and approved by the main editor.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed


Publications received: aims to highlight relevant publications received by the publishing Institution related to the focus and scope of the journal, with particular emphasis on international relations and international politics. They are not peer-reviewed, but are reviewed and approved by the main editor.

 __X__ Submissions accepted

 __X__ Indexed


The following types of articles are published in the sections The World We Live In, Cuban Diplomacy, International Relations and Student Scientific Lens: Original Research Articles, Reflection Articles and Review Articles.

Please read the instructions to the journal's authors for more details on the different types of contributions to our publication.

Peer Review process

The evaluation of papers in the journal Política Internacional is carried out under the principle of double-blind peer review, with strict anonymity between authors and reviewers, in order to contribute to the impartiality of the process and to avoid the existence of conflicts of interest in the evaluation process. Peer review enhances the academic quality and scientific rigour of the contributions to be published, while assisting the Editorial Board in the process of selecting and approving the papers to be published.

However, in line with the principles of Open Science, our journal also contemplates open peer-review practices (see Open Science Policy). Accordingly, if authors agree to this type of peer review, they have the possibility to interact directly with the reviewers in charge of evaluating the papers, as long as they also agree. The reviewers proposed by the author/s will be verified and contacted by the executive editor, although the journal reserves the right to consider or not the proposals received. In addition, where appropriate, Política Internacional will publish the names of reviewers who agree to make their identity public on the articles.

The group of referees of the journal is made up of professionals with extensive experience in the academic and research world, as well as in the field of knowledge they are consulted in, from various institutions. They are active professionals and must comply with the ethical obligations of referees and with the principles described by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Ethics-COPE).

The evaluators will assess, impartially, rigorously and objectively, the originality, timeliness, quality, scientific rigour and contribution to science of the work, as well as its coherence and compliance with the editorial standards and requirements for publication. The evaluation will also include the verification of ethical aspects, with the aim of avoiding bad scientific practices, such as plagiarism. A standardised form approved by the Editorial Board will be used for this purpose.  The texts assigned to the reviewers will be treated as confidential documents. As a result of the evaluation, the reviewers will express their conclusions, comments and observations for the improvement and correction of the document in a clear, concise and well-founded written opinion.

The Editorial Board will receive a recommendation from the reviewers to:

  1. Approve the manuscript for publication without changes,
  2. Approve the manuscript for publication subject to minor changes, which do not require a second review by the reviewers.
  3. Redraft the manuscript and submit for re-evaluation,
  4. Reject the manuscript.

The opinions that emerge from this process, including the decision to approve, revise or reject the work, will only be made known to the author by the main editor. Both the Editorial Board and the peer reviewers will ensure compliance with established ethical standards and avoid any conflict of interest.

The peer review process will not begin until the initial editorial check by the Editorial Board has been completed, in order to verify that the manuscript meets the submission standards required by the journal, as well as that it conforms to the journal's editorial profile.  See the journal's editorial process for more details.

All papers submitted to the journal will undergo a peer review process (except for notes, book reviews, events, or other papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which will be evaluated and approved by the main editor). The maximum time between the acceptance of the article and the first evaluation by the referees will be up to 30 days. A submitted paper may be evaluated up to a maximum of 3 times, depending on the complexity of the changes and the suggestions of the referees. The total time of the academic evaluation process will not exceed 3 months. The date of approval of the papers will be fixed from the moment the final version has been approved.

When the submitted paper is accepted by the reviewers with no proposed changes, it will move on to the next stage: editorial correction of style, editing, design and layout. Alternatively, as a result of the evaluation process, the reviewers may decide to return the article to the authors for corrections. The suggested corrections may be minor, and once made by the author, the article may continue the editorial process; or major, involving partial or total reworking of the work and its submission for re-evaluation. In the case of manuscripts approved with minor modifications, the authors must send the corrected paper back to the Journal within 21 days, in a version that includes the changes made.

When there is a discrepancy of opinion between the two peer reviewers, a third reviewer will be chosen to provide a third opinion and make a final decision on publication. The Editorial Board will have the final decision on whether to accept the article and move on to the next stages of the editorial process.

If there is agreement by the reviewers that the manuscript is not publishable, the Editorial Board will inform the authors of this negative opinion and the paper will not continue the editorial process. The main reasons for rejection of papers by the reviewers are related to: lack of originality and scientific novelty, unreliability of the results and conclusions reached, incoherence between the proposed objectives and the development of the work, low quality and poor updating of bibliographical references, and/or the existence of bad practices.

Acceptance of a paper for review does not imply a commitment to publish it. Once the manuscript has been submitted, it may not be submitted for consideration by any other journal or publication source. The decision not to publish cannot be appealed; however, authors may submit their opinion to the Editorial Board. If, for any reason, the author does not wish to publish his/her article once it has been submitted and at any stage of the editorial process, he/she must inform the journal's management in writing in order to avoid an ethical conflict.

The referees, for the peer review process, should use the following form for the review of papers.

Frequency of publication

The journal, from Issue 1. 2019, applies a continuous publication system, published on a quarterly basis following a regular publication schedule of four issues per year (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December). The contents of each issue are available in the first month of each quarter.

Open Science policy

The journal Política Internacional supports the principles and practices that guide Open Science.

On the deposit of manuscripts on preprint servers. The journal accepts for evaluation and possible publication manuscripts previously deposited in recognised preprint servers (SciELO Preprints is recommended: https://preprints.scielo.org), as a "green route" for the communication of science.

In case manuscripts are available in any repository, they must be properly referenced with the manuscript submission, mentioning the servers that host the document, as well as its exact location (URL).

Open Access. See the journal's Open Access policy.

On the openness and availability of data. In order to gain transparency and credibility, our journal favours the availability and openness of the research data underlying the text of the article. Thus, authors are invited to publicly post and reference the data they use for the preparation of their work through specialised servers (SciELO Data, DataCite, Google Data Set Search, among others), so that they can be shared and reused. This deposit must be made before or at the time of submission of the manuscript.

The chosen repository must be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, Reusable) and Open Access.

It excludes the provision of data that, under any circumstances, compromises the protection, privacy or security of research participants or any other legal or ethical issue.

It should be noted that the availability and openness of data contributes to facilitating the evaluation of the manuscript, the replicability of research, increases the visibility and citations of articles, and facilitates the transparency and credibility of the research itself.

Open peer review. In line with Open Science principles, International Policy also envisages open peer review practices as a mechanism to foster greater transparency in the editorial and scientific communication process.

Publication policy on special issues

Special issues, also known as monographs, supplements or thematic issues, are extraordinary editions, outside the periodicity of ordinary issues. Their main purpose is to deepen or communicate in a specific way about a specific topic or event.

The proposal for a special issue may be aimed at making visible the results of a congress, seminar or event related to the subject matter and editorial profile of the journal, or it may arise as an initiative of the editorial team. Its structure and length will be determined by the Editorial Board. An ad hoc editorial team may be selected to carry out this activity. The publication of a special issue in International Politics is conditioned to the above situations.

It is important to note that the proposal for publication in the special issues does not guarantee the publication of all articles, as these must follow a strict external or peer review process, according to the journal's standards. Authors must comply with the journal's publication policies, including those related to plagiarism, ethics in scientific publication, authorship, originality, copyright, disclosure of conflicts of interest and the use of artificial intelligence models.

For the publication of the special issue, a minimum of 10 papers is required; otherwise, they will be submitted for peer review and, at the end of the process, may be published in a regular issue.

Open access policy

The journal International Politics is an Open Access publication. As such, it provides immediate and free open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps to increase the global exchange of knowledge. Published articles and other contributions are made freely, immediately and openly accessible online on the journal's website.

It operates on the basis of the Budapest Open Access Declaration, the Berlin Declaration and the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. In accordance with this Open Access policy, users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any lawful purpose, without any financial, legal or technical barriers other than those that are inseparable from Internet access itself.

All the content of the journal is accessible and protected under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) License, which permits its use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, as well as the generation of derivative works; provided that the original author is cited and acknowledged and that it is for non-commercial purposes.

Authors retain the exploitation rights of published articles and are free to disseminate through personal websites and open access repositories the published version of the article, making reference to the original publication.

In this Open Access policy, at no step of the publication process, do we charge any kind of subscription, submission, processing, publication or reading of articles in our journal, without charging any fee to the authors (or their institution) or to the readers.

The Journal participates and is indexed in various databases, portals, repositories and journal catalogues, providing easy, free and open access to published documents. The aim is to achieve maximum dissemination and visibility of the published scientific production.

Policy on plagiarism

The journal Política Internacional rejects plagiarism and any other fraudulent practice. Plagiarism constitutes a serious ethical misconduct and unacceptable behavior, which undermines the integrity of scholarly communication. Our journal is committed to promoting academic integrity and originality in all the papers we publish.

All articles received will undergo a review to establish their originality before being sent for peer review. Any indication of plagiarism will be thoroughly investigated. Likewise, reviewers are asked, during the evaluation stage, to report if they detect any form of plagiarism in the manuscript.

We define plagiarism as the misappropriation of ideas, words, data, images or other content created by others without due acknowledgement or attribution to the original author. This includes the literal copying of texts, in whole or in part, without citing the source, or the substantial paraphrasing of texts without citing the original source. Both plagiarism and self-plagiarism are rejected, as well as the reuse of previously published works by the authors without proper citation.

Those papers in which plagiarism is identified will be automatically rejected. The author or authors will be sanctioned with the prohibition to publish in the journal for at least five years, and the institutional and/or academic authorities to which the author belongs will be duly informed of the fact. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the article will be removed from the journal's website and an announcement will be published informing of the retraction of the work due to plagiarism.

Política Internacional will follow the guidelines of COPE (the Committee On Publication Ethics) in case of suspicion or allegation of plagiarism, both in a manuscript submitted for evaluation and in an article already published.

Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal Política Internacional must guarantee that the work is original, that it has not been published or submitted for review by other journals, and that it does not contain, in whole or in part, undeclared content, or that it does not adequately cite and reference other authors, as appropriate. Authors must ensure that the article and associated materials do not infringe the copyrights of third parties.

Articles that contain violations of ethics or scientific fraud in the publication process, such as multiple submissions, false claims of authorship, fraudulent use of data or similar, redundant or duplicate publication, are rejected for lack of originality.

Authors are responsible for the opinions expressed in their papers. Those papers that are the result of the participation of several specialists must show the names of all those who have made a contribution that merits their consideration as authors of the paper. See the Declaration of Authorship in the instructions for authors. Failure to declare the existence of co-authors, when applicable, is considered an ethical misconduct, and will proceed according to COPE protocols.

The journal Política Internacional will verify through the anti-plagiarism tools Plagiarisma and Editpad that the manuscripts received do not contain undeclared content of previous articles by the authors themselves (self-plagiarism), or by others (plagiarism), in order to ensure compliance with the quality and ethical standards of the publication, and to maintain the original and unpublished nature of the published results. The programs generate a report, highlighting the percentage coincidence between the uploaded article and the published material. To detect plagiarism of graphic resources, the journal uses the TinEye service.

Ethics and malpractice statement

The journal Política Internacional affirms its commitment to the scientific community to ensure the ethics and quality at all stages of the publication process. To this end, the journal is guided by the Guidelines on Good Publication Practice developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In addition, the journal adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

Any ethical violation related to the document will be resolved using the protocols established by the COPE. In the event of suspicion or breach of any of the good ethical practices set out in this Code, the procedure will be as outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Flowcharts for each case.

The Editorial Board will act if it becomes aware that misconduct has occurred or if an allegation of malpractice is received. This extends to both published and unpublished documents. Individuals accused of malpractice will be protected against false or anonymous allegations. The latter will only be considered if there is sufficient evidence to investigate the matter. In addition, when authors, reviewers or editors have conflicts of interest that may influence the determination of what is to be published, the protocols described by COPE for resolving these will be employed.

The journal is not responsible for the opinions and concepts expressed in the papers; these are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Executive Editor, with the assistance of the Editorial Board, reserves the right to suggest or request advisable or necessary modifications.

The mention of commercial brands in the works is for identification purposes only, and there is no promotional commitment in relation to them.

Manifestations of misconduct and scientific fraud in the publication process:

  • False authorship: appearing as author(s) or co-author(s) of research that has not been carried out.
  • Duplicate publication: publishing all or part of an already published article.
  • Fragmented publication: splitting a paper to publish as independent articles.
  • Inflated publication: adding data to a previously published paper for publication as a new article.
  • Plagiarism: taking ideas or phrases without citing the original source.
  • Self-plagiarism: repeating the same content previously written by the author with the intention of publishing as a new article.
  • Invention: elaborating all or part of the data.
  • Falsification, omission or manipulation of data: falsifying, omitting or manipulating data or methods to meet the hypothesis.
  • Incorrection of bibliographic citations: omitting relevant citations. Including citations not consulted. Excessive self-citation.
  • Publication bias: forcing data to obtain positive results and high statistical significance.
  • Individual appropriation of collective authorship, manipulation of authorship.
  • Undisclosed or declared conflict of interest.

 The following is the Code of Conduct and Good Ethical Practices followed by the journal, based on the Guidelines on Good Publication Practices developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The editors of this journal commit themselves to:

  • Guarantee the selection of the most qualified and scientifically specialized reviewers to issue a critical and expert appraisal of the work, with the least possible biases.
  • Committed to the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers, so that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.
  • Not to use in their own research fragments, data, arguments or interpretations contained in the articles submitted for publication, until the article is published.
  • Strive to constantly improve the journal by taking into account the different points of view of authors, readers, reviewers, and members of the Editorial Board.
  • Have implemented in the journal all the necessary processes to ensure the quality of the material published.
  • Decide which articles should be sent for peer review, as well as which are in conditions to be published after their review, in addition to preserving the confidentiality of the evaluated articles, not disclosing any information about their content, subject, authorship, data included, analysis performed or final conclusions.
  • To guarantee the preservation of the entire content of the journal.
  • Prevent commercial needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.
  • Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
  • Provide all actors in the process with the necessary information to perform their role efficiently
  • Support all necessary actions to reduce the various manifestations of research and publication misconduct, and encourage ethical and responsible behavior
  • Ensure that each published paper correctly reflects the results and interpretations proposed by the authors
  • Ensure that peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed sections are clearly identified
  • Ensure that peer review in the journal is fair, unbiased, and timely
  • Adopt the peer review methods most appropriate for the journal and the research community it serves
  • Editors will be alert to intellectual property issues and in correspondence will work with their publishers to handle potential infringements of intellectual property laws and conventions
  • Best practices for publishers will also include adoption of plagiarism detection systems (e.g., software).
  • The editors' decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication will be based on the contribution of the paper, originality, clarity, validity of the study, and its relevance to the subject field of the journal.

Related to readers:

  • They will be informed about the funding sources, authors and institutions of the different papers.
  • They will have all the necessary information and tools that will allow them to retrieve the metadata of the different documents.
  • They will be able to access the full text of the documents at any time they wish and in different responsive formats.
  • Have the obligation to properly reference the documents they consult.
  • They have the obligation to make an adequate and responsible use of the information ensuring that no principle of good practice is violated.

Related to the authors:

  • Authors of manuscripts submitted to Política Internacional assure that the work is original and unpublished, and also confirm the veracity of the data.
  • The authors guarantee the inclusion of all those who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution. At the same time, they have ranked the authors according to their level of responsibility and involvement. In this regard, it is important not to attribute authorship to anyone who has not contributed to the article.
  • Authors will remain anonymous throughout the peer review process.
  • The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article. The presentation of other authors' ideas as one's own is not an acceptable practice.
  • All authors are required to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed.
  • The authors must report any source of funding that has allowed the study to be developed, as well as any other commitment that could influence the interpretation of the results.
  • Immediately inform the journal editor when an author identifies an important error or inaccuracy in his/her article, providing all the necessary information to correct the error.
  • All authors accept responsibility for what has been written.
  • In the acknowledgements, the names of persons or institutions that have provided other support for the work should be included. Only contributions that the authors consider relevant will be acknowledged.
  • In cases in which ethical misconduct is detected concerning the incorrect assignment of authors, omission of authors and undeclared conflict of interest, the journal will automatically cancel the publication of the work and will issue a note to the entire scientific community informing the event and the names of those responsible for the unethical conduct.
  • The editors will support authors whose copyrights have been violated or who have been victims of plagiarism by requesting retractions or removal of material from websites regardless of copyright.

Relating to the peer reviewers:

  • Reviewers shall issue their opinion in an objective and unbiased manner.
  • The reviewers will have all the necessary guidance and preparation, as well as an evaluation guide, which will allow them to know how they should perform the evaluation, weigh the quality of each part of the document, state their observations and final decision.
  • The reviewers will handle the papers and the information contained in them confidentially until the document is published.
  • The journal will guarantee the preservation of reviewers' anonymity during the entire process
  • The reviewers will immediately communicate to the editors about detected violations of good ethical practices during the review process such as: unethical research design, inadequate manipulation of data and rights, plagiarism, among others.
  • Reviewers will communicate in a timely manner to the editors any conflict of interest they may detect when reading an article sent to them for review.
  • Implement procedures to ensure that reviewers' comments reach the authors in their entirety and that they do not contain offensive or defamatory comments.
  • Regularly monitor the performance of reviewers and take measures to ensure that reviews are of high quality.
  • Maintain and renew the database of reviewers so that it presents an adequate representation of the scientific community specialized in the journal's publication topics.
  • Stop using reviewers who consistently produce offensive, poor quality, and late reviews.

Related to Editorial Board members:

  • Editors will provide new Editorial Board members with guidelines on all that is expected of them and should keep existing members updated on new policies implemented
  • Qualified editorial board members who can actively contribute to the development and good management of the journal will be identified.
  • Provide clear guidance to Editorial Board members on their expected roles and duties which may include: developing and implementing journal dissemination strategies, seeking new authors and novel papers, reviewing submissions, writing editorials, commenting and reviewing papers in their field, consulting with Editorial Board members periodically to evaluate the performance of the journal, among others.

Privacy policy

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this journal and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes. The identity of the authors of the papers received will not be made public until their publication. The identity of the authors of rejected manuscripts will not be made public.

The authors' names, scientific and academic qualifications, names of the institutions where they work, the main e-mail address and the ORCID code of the authors will only be used for the acknowledgment of authorship of the article being published and of all their rights as authors. The journal Política Internacional does not request or collect any other information from users.

The journal Política Internacional maintains total confidentiality about the texts that are not published, as well as about the evaluators' considerations.

Copyright policies

The author(s), as owner(s) of the patrimonial rights of the published article, declare(s) that they have full disposition of the article without any limitation, restriction or charge, including the graphic, photographic, drawings, tables, diagrams and any other element that is part of the article. They also declare that the intellectual property rights of third parties have not been infringed.

The authors will retain their copyright and will grant the journal, free of charge, the right to publish their work in the first instance.

The authors grant the Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García”, free of charge, the rights to edit the article, so that through the journal Política Internacional, the actions of evaluation, correction, editing, layout, printing, reproduction, publication and dissemination, both in print and digital format, as appropriate, can be carried out.

The authors grant the journal Política Internacional permission to incorporate the article in databases, electronic repositories and other means of indexing. This includes the right to store it in its servers, as well as the right to make any temporary reproduction that allows readers to visualize, reproduce and save the article.

The authors, for the publication of their work, accept that it is under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows copying and redistributing the material in any medium and format, as well as remixing, reusing and transforming such material, and generating derivative works; as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged, its first publication in this journal is indicated, and it is done for non-commercial purposes.

Authors may enter into non-exclusive license agreements to distribute the published version of the work or a portion thereof. This includes, e.g., depositing it in an institutional telematic archive, publishing it in a monographic volume or for an oral dissertation, as long as the initial publication in Política Internacional is mentioned (authorship, number, volume, date and link). Therefore, authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their final work, which can foster knowledge sharing and increase citations of the published work.

Regarding copyright, the journal does not request any payment for the submission, processing or publication of articles.

Policy on the use of artificial intelligence models

Authors are responsible for the accuracy, integrity and originality of the submitted work, including any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and that the work submitted does not infringe the rights of third parties.

The attribution of authorship entails responsibility for the submitted work and copyright, as well as the ability to address potential claims, which can only be attributed to and performed by humans, and which cannot be applied to AI models. 

Authors should not include AI or AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author of a postulated work, nor cite an AI product as an author. Therefore, generative artificial intelligence tools, including NLP (natural language processing) or LLM (large language models) systems, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Bard, Claude, Perplexity or Bing Chat, among others, cannot be considered as authors in the journal Política Internacional, because they do not meet its authorship criteria.

Authors of manuscripts submitted to the journal are responsible for declaring in a transparent manner if they have used any artificial intelligence model during the preparation of their work; specifying the name and version of the model, for what purposes it has been used and specifying the sections of the manuscript in which this tool has been applied. This information can be completed in the section dedicated to that effect in the Cover Letter that accompanies the manuscript submission.

Artificial Intelligence models should only be used to improve readability, formatting, quality of writing and grammar, the language of the work, in translation, modify the tone and style of the text, or editing in general. They may not be used to replace key authoring tasks such as creating content, producing scientific knowledge and results, drawing conclusions, or making recommendations.  The use of AI tools must be informed, transparent, ethical and responsible.

Authors must also ensure that there is no plagiarism or other scientific misconduct arising from its use, and that all sources of information used are properly cited. On the other hand, claiming authorship of content generated by artificial intelligence tools constitutes scientific misconduct.

Peer reviewers should not upload manuscripts to this journal on software or other artificial intelligence technologies where confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Even if AI-assisted technologies are used in a way that can ensure the confidentiality of the manuscript, reviewers who choose to use such technologies to facilitate their review must disclose their use and nature to International Policy, and are responsible for ensuring that any AI-generated information and content incorporated in reviews is correct, complete, and unbiased. The peer reviewer is responsible for the content of the review report.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal International Politics will be verified during the preliminary evaluation process, making use of available tools for AI detection, such as Оriginаlity, ZеrоGPT, Cоntеnt аt scаlе, Writеr, Copyleaks and GPTZеrо.

In case of detection of undeclared or improper use of generative artificial intelligence in the writing of the submitted manuscript, the editors will contact the authors involved in this practice to inform them about the rejection of the manuscript.

Research data management

In order to gain transparency and credibility, the Editorial Board of the journal recommends that authors promote the availability and openness of the research data used for the preparation of original articles, in one of the different repositories created for this purpose (e.g. Data Cite, Open data, SciELO Data, Google Data Set Search), so that they can be shared and reused.

The availability of these data contributes to the replicability of research, increases the visibility and citations of its articles, as well as of the journal, and facilitates the transparency and credibility of the research itself. If the research data is available in any of the repositories, it should be referenced in the article.

Preservation policy of digital archives

The digital magazine Política Internacional is deposited in the José Martí National Library of Cuba as a Legal Deposit, in compliance with the Law of Legal Deposit of the Republic of Cuba, No. 265 of May 20, 1999, a deposit that is updated annually.

The journal also uses an archive preservation system thanks to the coordination between the Scientific-Technical Information Center of the Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García" (ISRI) and the CLACSO Virtual Library (http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/colecciones/saladelectura). Both institutions store and preserve the digitized information of all the issues of the journal published each year.

The journal also uses the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, taking advantage of its compatibility with Open Journal Systems, thus guaranteeing a permanent and secure archive of its content. LOCKSS is an open-source program, which allows the creation of an archive distributed among participating libraries, enabling these libraries to preserve and restore digitally. Each archive is continuously validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself. This supports the storage, preservation and restoration system for articles published in the journal.

Our publication also adheres to the post-print self-archiving policy, which implies that authors or third parties may archive the post-print of their articles in pdf format or publisher's version (version evaluated and accepted for publication), as well as the published version of the article, on personal websites, public repositories, blogs, academic networks, institutional pages or other electronic media, making reference to the original publication.

The journal encourages its authors to broaden the visibility and scope of articles through their dissemination, as long as they provide information that accredits their first publication in Política Internacional.

Application of publication charges

The journal offers its publication services to authors completely free of economic retribution, does not charge any type of fee or charge (APC) for the submission of manuscripts, editorial processing, evaluation of articles, or for any other action required to conclude the publication process. All these expenses are totally covered by the Institution that edits and publishes the journal.

There is no commercial or lucrative use of any kind, nor is commercial advertising of any product, person or service mentioned in the journal accepted or hosted.

Correction and retraction policy

The International Political Journal publishes corrections or retractions following the recommendations of the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publication (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/guidance).

Authors are responsible for informing the journal of any errors they detect in their published article, for which they should contact the journal as soon as possible using the contact details of our publication. The journal may also identify errors through peer review or other means.

If only a small part of an article reports faulty data or content, which does not compromise the integrity and conclusions of the article, we will proceed to revise it by means of a correction (erratum). The erratum must be written by the authors. All authors must accept the publication of the erratum. The erratum or correction will be linked to the original article and the date of the correction will be indicated. The journal's executive editor or a designated representative (another member of the editorial team with appropriate subject matter expertise) will review the proposed correction, along with any accompanying data or information. They may also consult with the journal's editorial team before making a decision.

On rare occasions, the editor may need to correct an error made during the publication of an article. When this is the case, the journal will issue an erratum to correct the error.

Retraction, on the other hand, is a mechanism for correcting published works and alerting readers to articles that have content or data so erroneous that their findings and conclusions cannot be trusted. Unreliable content or data may be the result of honest error, naive mistakes or misconduct during the preparation of the paper.

Retractions, if used, will alert readers to instances of redundant publication, plagiarism, copyright infringement or other legal problem, unethical research and/or failure to disclose a conflict of interest that would have unduly influenced the interpretations, conclusions or recommendations. The Editorial Board will consider retracting a publication if:
- There is objective evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of significant error or as a result of fabrication (e.g., data) or falsification (e.g., image manipulation).
- Constitutes plagiarism.
- Results have been previously published; without proper attribution to previous sources, disclosure to the publisher, or without seeking permission to republish (i.e., cases of redundant publication).
- Contains material or data without permission to use.
- Copyright infringement or other serious legal problem exists.
- It contains unethical research.
- The publication is the result of a compromised or manipulated peer review process.
- The authors did not disclose a conflict of interest that would have affected the interpretations, work, or recommendations of the editors and peer reviewers.

The journal will withdraw a publication as soon as possible after it is shown to be seriously flawed, misleading, or falls into any of the categories described above. The retracted article will be clearly identified, specifying the reason(s) and the basis for the retraction.

Conflict of interest statement

Authors of a manuscript, the receiving journal editor, and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript or its review and approval.

When authors submit a manuscript for publication, they are responsible for acknowledging and declaring if there is any financial, personal or professional interest - for reasons other than simple interest in contributing to science - that creates a conflict of interest that may bias their work. This declaration does not invalidate their publication, but constitutes an element that reviewers and editors deserve to know in order to be able to make an impartial interpretation of the published article.

Editors who make final decisions on manuscripts may not have financial, professional or personal commitments with any of the authors and papers they will judge.

Peers acting as external reviewers must disclose to the editors any conflict of interest that could bias their opinions on the manuscript, regardless of whether they assume that it would not affect their decision, and must excuse themselves from reviewing it. Editors will be informed of reviewers' conflicts of interest so that they can interpret their reports and judge for themselves whether to disqualify them.

In case of controversy, Política Internacional undertakes to settle these cases through its Editorial Board, which will take action to identify and prevent the publication of articles in which there have been cases of malpractice.

Funding model

The journal Política Internacional is an Open Access scientific journal that aims to publish quality content on a not-for-profit basis. There is no commercial or lucrative use of any kind, nor is commercial advertising of any product, person or service mentioned in the journal accepted or hosted.

The submission of manuscripts, processing, evaluation and publication does not demand any cost to the authors, it is totally free. 

The Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales "Raúl Roa García" (publishing institution), provides all the necessary resources for the edition and publication of the issues foreseen each year. The journal does not receive any other source of funding or subsidy.

Complaints and appeals

The journal Política Internacional is committed to addressing and resolving in a fair and transparent manner any complaints or appeals related to non-compliance with the editorial practices described in its publication process. This includes complaints from authors, reviewers and the editorial team.

Interested parties should send a duly identified and signed letter (anonymous documents will not be accepted) addressed to the Editorial Board to the e-mail address available in the Contact section, with the following basic information:

- Duly justified subject.
- Full names of the interested party or parties.
- Basic data for its location: e-mail and telephone number.
- Place and date.

Once the letter has been reviewed and it has been observed that it has the elements that justify the complaint or appeal, the executive editor will receive the request, maintain confidentiality, and will respond, when appropriate, as soon as possible. In cases where the situation warrants it, the executive editor will consult with the Editorial Board to address the controversy raised. The journal undertakes to respond initially within 15 working days and to communicate the final decision, detailing the reasons.

When the reason for the complaint or appeal involves a breach of some of the good ethical practices established by the journal and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in its Fundamental Practices, we will proceed according to the COPE Flowcharts for each case.

Editorial process

Proposals for papers for the journal Política Internacional should be sent to the journal's institutional e-mail address: rpi@isri.minrex.gob.cu and politicainternacionaldigital@gmail.com . See the guidelines for authors and the editorial policy of the journal. Papers must be original and unpublished. Once the manuscript has been submitted, it may not be submitted for consideration by any other journal or publication source.

The journal devotes about seventy-five percent or more of the volume of each issue to the publication of original articles, and the rest to topics related to the popularization of science and innovation. Each published article will include the dates of receipt and approval, with the exception of articles in the section: Words to the readers.

The Editorial Board of the journal will acknowledge receipt of the contributions sent by the authors no later than 7 days after receipt. The acknowledgement of receipt of the manuscript will be sent to the author responsible for the correspondence. In the same way, the authors will be kept informed about the progress of the evaluation process, the evaluation (or rejection) and acceptance (or rejection) of their contribution, as well as the editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. With the submission of the paper, authors are also asked to confirm authorship, originality, exclusivity, and absence of conflicts of interest.

After acknowledgement of receipt of the manuscript, the Editorial Board will carry out a first evaluation, of an editorial nature, within a maximum period of two weeks. The purpose of this evaluation is to verify that the article has not been previously published, to analyze it with anti-plagiarism software, to check that it fits the editorial and thematic profile of the journal, to review the quality of the content, length and structure, and to confirm that it complies with the rules for the submission of papers. The manuscript will be rejected if it presents important formal or thematic deficiencies, does not fit the editorial profile of the journal, or if it presents evidence of bad scientific practices.

If the article is accepted without modifications in this first evaluation, it will continue to the subsequent stage of academic peer review. If the paper conforms to the editorial profile of the journal, but contains deficiencies of form, or related to the rules for submission of papers: it will be returned to the author for correction and subsequent submission. The author will have a maximum of 21 days to send a corrected version. The date of receipt of the article, which is included in the published articles, is defined by the correct receipt of the work. Once this first stage is completed, the article will go on to the next stage of academic peer review under the double-blind modality.

In a second stage, the manuscript (except for editorials, notes and reviews of books, events, or other works published in homologous scientific journals, which will be evaluated and approved by the main editor) will be submitted to an evaluation process (arbitration) by peers, equal in scientific grades and specialties and double-blind (for authors and evaluators), under the control of the Editorial Board. The purpose of the double-blind peer review is to raise the editorial and scientific quality of the papers and the journal, as well as to assist the Editorial Board in editorial decisions. The Editorial Board will ensure that the peer review process is fair, impartial and objective. As a result of this evaluation process, authors will be informed whether their paper is accepted for publication, returned for modification, or rejected. Normally, reviewers suggest improvements and recommendations to the reviewed papers, so there is often more than one round of evaluation. A submitted paper may be evaluated up to a maximum of 3 times. The total time of the academic evaluation process will not exceed 3 months. See the journal's peer review guidelines for more details.

If the peer review process is successfully completed, the article will move on to the next stage of style correction, writing and editorial work. In this stage, the proofreading editor will interact directly with the author, under the supervision of the Editorial Board, making proposals for style correction and editorial improvement of the article, in accordance with the general policy of the journal. When there is more than one author, proofreading proposals will be sent only to the author responsible for the communication, unless otherwise indicated to the Editorial Board of the journal. The proofreading editor should receive back a single document with the requested changes. The author may only make minimal formal changes in grammar, style and wording. In no case may the paper be substantively modified in such a way as to change the final version approved by the reviewers. The author will notify the main editor of the journal of his/her agreement with its publication. Subsequently, the work, together with the issue to be published, undergoes a process of layout, editing and design. On average, this stage of the editorial process takes about thirty calendar days.

The author will be informed of the number and volume of the journal in which his or her work will be published, making it available to the scientific community, readers and other interested parties. The author will also receive a notification when the manuscript is published and online. The papers are published in PDF, HTML, XML and EPUB format and can be consulted and downloaded free of charge from the journal's website.

Acceptance of papers for evaluation does not imply a commitment to publish them. On average, the time elapsed between the reception of a paper and its publication is 120 days. The Editorial Board reserves the right to maintain the accepted articles for subsequent publications, if necessary, and to select the most convenient issue of the journal for the publication of the papers. The decision not to publish is final; nevertheless, authors may send their opinion to the Editorial Board. If for any reason the author does not wish to publish his/her article, once it has been submitted and is in process, he/she should communicate it in writing to the journal's management in order to avoid an ethical conflict. The publication of the articles does not mean that the journal shares the contents of the articles; these are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.