Instructions For Authors

General considerations

The submission of manuscripts presupposes, on the part of the authors, the knowledge and acceptance of these Instructions. The editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that do not follow these instructions.

Política internacional is an Open Access peer-reviewed scientific journal, edited and published quarterly (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December) by the Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales "Raúl Roa García", Cuba.

The jornal aims to contribute to the study and development of Political Science, with special emphasis on international relations, as well as to the analysis of international politics, with an interdisciplinary character. Articles that contribute significantly to knowledge in these areas are welcome.

The work submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished. It must not have been previously published or be in the process of evaluation, editing or acceptance by another journal or editorial body. The submission of a manuscript for possible publication in the journal Política Internacional implies a commitment on the part of the authors not to send it simultaneously to other publications.

Papers written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese will be accepted for publication. For articles, up to three authors will be accepted. By submitting the paper, authors endorse the statement of originality, authorship, funding, use of artificial intelligence models and conflicts of interest, information that is detailed in the Cover Letter attached to the manuscripts.

Manuscripts from recognized Preprints repositories may be considered, as well as article proposals that come from papers presented at scientific events or that are partially or totally derived from undergraduate, master's or doctoral theses, as long as they have not been previously published. In these cases, the proposed articles must be edited as distinct products, comply with the editorial, peer review and authorship policies of the journal and certify that there are no conflicts with the patrimonial rights of the institution where the title was obtained. 

After receiving the manuscript, an initial editorial evaluation will be carried out to verify its originality, analyze it with anti-plagiarism software, check its alignment with the thematic profile of the journal, review its quality, length, structure and compliance with the rules of presentation. If it presents significant deficiencies, does not fit the editorial profile or shows evidence of bad scientific practices, it will be rejected. If accepted, it will undergo peer review under the double-blind system. The reviewers may recommend its publication without changes, with minor adjustments, with major modifications that require further evaluation, or its rejection. Please refer to the editorial process and peer review policy of the journal for further details.

Authors will retain their copyright and will guarantee the Journal the right of first publication of their work. All journal content is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0). 

The submission of manuscripts, processing, evaluation, editing and publication is totally free, at no cost to the authors. Each published issue is made available free of charge and immediately.

The papers submitted must conform to the publication standards of the Journal (APA norms in its seventh edition).

 No scientific misconduct (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, invention, falsification or manipulation of data, authorship problems, duplicate publication, etc.) must have been applied in the design and preparation of the postulated work.

All data and references to materials must be duly identified with their respective credit, including bibliographic references and citations, both external and own contributions.

The journal is not responsible for the opinions and concepts expressed in the papers; they are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Editor, with the assistance of the Editorial Board, reserves the right to suggest or request advisable or necessary modifications.

Types of contributions

Authors may submit for publication to the journal Política Internacional any of the following types of contributions:

  1. Original research articles: Papers that show, in detail, original results of concluded research, related to the thematic lines of the journal. They should include bibliographical references relevant to the subject of study, preferably from the last five years. They have a maximum length of 20 pages, not including references. Furthermore, they are peer-reviewed.
  2. Reflection articles: They present results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, consistent with the thematic lines of the journal. They contain preliminary results of relevance and interest or novel reflections, using original sources. They should include bibliographical references relevant to the topic of study, preferably from the last five years. Likewise, they are usually shorter than research and review articles. Minimum length of 10 pages and maximum of 20, not including references. They are peer-reviewed.
  3. Review articles: On a given topic, they examine the state of the art in a critical and detailed manner, compiling the most relevant information. They can make a bibliographic review with evaluation included, examining the published bibliography, placing it in perspective. They analyze the advances and what is known about the subject, what has been researched, the trends in development, offer updates and projections, determining which aspects remain unknown or insufficiently studied. They include bibliographic references relevant to the topic of study, preferably from the last ten years. They should be no longer than 20 pages, not including references. They are peer-reviewed.
  4. Notes, reviews, dissertations, comments on articles, books and research recently published or resulting from academic events. Interviews and statements related to the focus and scope of the journal are also accepted. Maximum length of 5 pages. They should not refer to publications or events older than two years. They are not peer-reviewed. They are reviewed and approved by the main editor, with a view to their possible inclusion in the Notes or Publications Received section of the journal.

Papers corresponding to categories 1, 2 and 3 should be presented with the following structure: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, development (may be subdivided into headings, in order to better structure their content), conclusions, acknowledgements (optional), bibliographical references and annexes, the latter if required. The acknowledgements section, which is optional, will recognize those individuals who contributed to the elaboration of the work but are not considered part of the authors' collective, as well as the names of institutions, organizations or projects that provided facilities for the realization of the work. When it is essential for the understanding of the text, it may also include a section of annexes at the end of the manuscript, in a numbered form. The editors will consider its publication or not.

Papers proposed under category 4 should identify the work or academic event they deal with, the place of publication and the date of publication or celebration; include the full name and surname(s) of the author(s), and other information as requested below in the Cover Letter.

Submission standards

In order to submit a paper, authors must send two files:

  1. Cover Letter, which includes the cover data of the paper, statement of originality, authorship and conflict of interest. This is not shared with the evaluators. You can download here the template for sending the Cover letter.
  2. Manuscript of the paper, complying with the detailed rules of format and structure established below.

The manuscript should include the title, abstract and key words of the paper in Spanish and English, followed by the parts and elements that compose it: introduction, development, conclusions, acknowledgements (optional), bibliographical references, and annexes (optional). The manuscript should not include any biographical data of the authors (except for papers corresponding to category 4), in order to guarantee the anonymity of the double-blind peer review. Authors' data will be included only in the Cover Letter.

Manuscrits submitted to this publication must comply with the following submission guidelines:

  • Submission in editable digital support of the paper intended for publication (Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format).
  • Pages of dimensions 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (letter format).
  • 5 line spacing (1.5), no spaces between paragraphs, justified text.
  • Lateral, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm.
  • Arial font, 12 point.
  • All pages must be numbered in consecutive order.
  • The title and headings of the different sections should be highlighted in bold.
  • All figures, graphs and tables must have a title or figure caption, as appropriate, and the source (authors, year and pages) of their origin must be specified.
  • Figures, graphs, and tables should be placed in the appropriate place in the text, and not at the end of the text.
  • If any figure, graph and/or table is original, from the author, it should be identified as such.
  • All visual information in the text (figures, graphs and tables) must be legible, and have the appropriate size and resolution for reproduction (300 dpi minimum).
  • Words or phrases in another language and scientific names are written in italics.
  • Abbreviations and symbols are defined when they are used for the first time.
  • Acronyms, when they appear for the first time, should be preceded by the full name of the concept or entity to which they refer and then included in parentheses.
  • The decimal metric system shall be used for units of measure.
  • Decimal figures should be separated by a period (.).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic guidelines of the APA 7th edition. Authors should carefully check that there are no omissions or inconsistencies between the works cited in the text and the bibliographic references; all works cited are included in the reference list.  
  • It is essential that the references are complete; otherwise, the article will not be submitted for peer review and will be immediately returned to the author for completion.
  • Footnotes should be numbered with Arabic numerals, with a maximum length of 60 words.

The Cover letter includes, among other elements, the following information about the paper and the authors:

  • Title of the article (in Spanish and in the language of publication. In the case of articles written in Spanish, English will be considered as a second language for the title, abstract and keywords). Maximum length of 15 words.
  • Name and complete surnames. Only those persons who meet the authorship criteria mentioned below should be included as authors.
  • Abstract of the paper (in Spanish and English).
  • Keywords (in English and Spanish). Up to 6 keywords.
  • Email.
  • Indicate the author to be designated to receive correspondence and his/her e-mail address.
  • Institución of affiliation.
  • City and country of the institution of affiliation.
  • Scientific, academic, research and/or professional degree.
  • ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): The ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes one researcher or contributor from another. ORCID registration is free at:
  • Statement for conflicts of interest (financial, professional, personal, etc).
  • Authorship contribution: (In all postulated manuscripts in which more than one author participates).
  • Statement on the use of Artificial Intelligence Models.
  • Acknowledgements section.
  • Financing source.

By submitting the Manuscript and Cover Letter, authors endorse the following aspects:

  1. The contribution is an original contribution (declaration of originality), free of plagiarism.
  2. The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (except for manuscripts from recognized Preprints repositories, which are accepted and must be informed).
  3. The Cover Letter is duly completed by all authors and the Manuscript complies with the requested length, structure, presentation format and typographical standards.
  4. Acceptance of formal changes to be made to the Manuscript in accordance with the journal's guidelines, if necessary.
  5. The authors have read the journal's copyright policy and agree to the terms stated therein regarding the control of exploitation rights and the conditions of use and reuse of published works.
  6. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies and potential conflicts of interest have been properly disclosed.
  7. The main author of the manuscript is responsible for all the content of the manuscript and declares that there is no plagiarism, conflict of interest or ethical conflict, releasing the journal from any ethical and legal commitment.

For more details on the structure of the Manuscript, please refer to the template located at the bottom of these Instructions. Additionally, you can download here the template for sending the Cover Letter.

Authorship Policy

The journal Política Internacional assumes that authorship of a paper received for evaluation and publication is defined by the following criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception and design, or data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation;
  2. The writing of the article or its critical revision as to its important intellectual content; and
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.

All those designated as authors must meet the three authorship criteria mentioned above, including approval of the final manuscript and, consequently, must be identified as authors. All authors assume equal public responsibility for the work. They should be hierarchically organized in the work according to their level of responsibility. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Authors should be prepared to explain the order in which they are listed.

In works with multiple authorship, the corresponding author should be defined, who will be responsible for receiving the reviewers' comments, managing the submission and communication, and whose contact information should be included in the article so that readers can request contact with the group of authors.

All persons who have contributed to the work, but who are not considered authors, may be mentioned in the acknowledgements, specifying their contribution. It is important that all persons included in this list are aware of this.

By submitting a manuscript to the journal Política Internacional, it is understood that all authors listed agree to its contents. The corresponding author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached, that all authors have agreed to be listed and have approved the submission of the manuscript to the journal.

All persons designated as authors must be eligible to be authors, and all those eligible must be listed. It is the collective responsibility of the authors, not the journal Política Internacional, to determine that those listed as authors meet the above criteria. Nor is it the responsibility of the journal to assume the role of arbitrator if there are conflicts over authorship, or to investigate or resolve conflicts of authorship before or after publication. When the work has been carried out by several authors, all questions related to authorship must be resolved by that group before submission of the publication.

If a change in authorship (deletion, reordering, or addition of an author) is requested after submission or publication of the manuscript, a written explanation must be submitted, accompanied by a statement of agreement to the requested change signed by all originally cited authors, which includes the author to be deleted, reordered, or added. If the manuscript is already published in an online version, any approved change request will result in a correction note.

The primary affiliation of each author should be the institution at which he/she has done most of his/her work. If an author has subsequently transferred, he/she may also indicate his/her current affiliation.

If they exist, all authors are obliged to declare the existence of conflicts of interest (labor, financial, professional, personal, etc.), which may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed in the postulated work. In such a case, the corresponding author is responsible for submitting the corresponding conflict of interest declaration in the Cover Letter on behalf of all the authors of the article.

The corresponding author is responsible for communication with the journal's Editorial Board during the manuscript submission and peer review process. Upon acceptance, the corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of all review content, including co-authors' names, addresses, and affiliations. He/she will also be responsible for the correct completion of all formal requirements, data or any additional information requested by the journal and details concerning authorship, even after publication of the article, with any request from the journal that may arise regarding the article. It is your responsibility to inform all co-authors of any issues arising in connection with the published article and to ensure that such issues are dealt with promptly.

The opinions and facts contained in each article are the sole responsibility of the authors. It is also their responsibility to ensure that they have permission to use, reproduce and print the material that is not their property/authorship (tables, graphs, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.). Authors, by submitting an article, accept that it is original and has not been submitted for consideration, nor has it been published in any other journal.

As part of the International Policy's efforts to promote transparency and ensure unambiguous attribution of scholarly contributions, all authors of published articles are required to provide their ORCID code as part of their personal data. This code acts as a persistent digital identifier that links the researcher to their scholarly output.

"Ghost”, "guest" or "gift" authorship
Política Internacional considers all forms of ghost, guest or gift authorship to be unethical and rejects such practices. Any allegations of ghost, guest or gift authorship will be investigated in accordance with COPE guidelines. When such practices are identified, the authors in question will be removed from an article through a post-publication correction or erratum.

“Ghost” authorship refers to the practice of using an unnamed author to write or prepare an article for publication. Ghost authors are often (but not exclusively) paid sponsors, employees, junior researchers, or external academic affiliates.

“Guest” or ‘gift’ authorship refers to the practice of naming a person who has contributed little or nothing to a study as the author of an article. Guest authors are usually (but not exclusively) senior researchers, affiliated researchers, friends, or colleagues of the primary author. There are also organizations that offer gift authorship in exchange for remuneration.

Specific contribution of each author to the academic production. CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)

As part of the commitment to transparency in scientific communication, it is necessary that, in all original multi-authored research articles, a mandatory declaration of the degree of individual contribution to the manuscript submitted is made. This declaration will be carried out following the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), which makes it possible to identify and recognize, through 14 roles, the responsibilities and contributions of each author to the results of the research.

The authorship roles will be identified in the order shown below. For this purpose, each author will be included in all the corresponding roles, specifying their names and surnames separated by commas. If a particular role does not apply, it will be left blank. This information may be completed in the Cover Letter that accompanies the manuscript submission, and will be placed at the end of the published text.

The 14 roles are presented below along with a brief description of each role:

Conceptualization - Ideas; formulation or evolution of overall research objectives and goals.

Data Curation - Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data, and maintain research data (including software code, when necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.

Formal analysis - Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.

Fund Acquisition - Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to this publication.

Research - Conducting an investigation and research process, specifically performing experiments, or collecting data/evidence.

Methodology - Development or design of methodology; creation of models.

Project administration - Responsibility for managing and coordinating the planning and execution of the research activity.

Resources - Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory specimens, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analytical tools.

Software - Programming, software development; design of computer programs; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.

Supervision - Supervisory and leadership responsibility for planning and execution of research activities, including mentoring external to the core team.

Validation - Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of overall replicability/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research products.

Visualization - Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically visualization/presentation of data.

Writing - original draft - Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation).

Writing - review and editing - Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision - including pre- or post-publication stages.

Use of Artificial Intelligence Models

Authors are responsible for the accuracy, integrity and originality of the submitted work, including any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and that the work submitted does not infringe the rights of third parties.

The attribution of authorship entails responsibility for the submitted work and copyright, as well as the ability to address potential claims, which can only be attributed to and performed by humans, and which cannot be applied to AI models. 

Authors should not include AI or AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author of a postulated work, nor cite an AI product as an author. Therefore, generative artificial intelligence tools, including NLP (natural language processing) or LLM (large language models) systems, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Bard, Claude, Perplexity or Bing Chat, among others, cannot be considered as authors in the journal Política Internacional, because they do not meet its authorship criteria.

Authors of manuscripts submitted to the journal are responsible for declaring in a transparent manner if they have used any artificial intelligence model during the preparation of their work; specifying the name and version of the model, for what purposes it has been used and specifying the sections of the manuscript in which this tool has been applied. This information can be completed in the section dedicated to that effect in the Cover Letter that accompanies the manuscript submission.

Artificial Intelligence models should only be used to improve readability, formatting, quality of writing and grammar, the language of the work, in translation, modify the tone and style of the text, or editing in general. They may not be used to replace key authoring tasks such as creating content, producing scientific knowledge and results, drawing conclusions, or making recommendations.  The use of AI tools must be informed, transparent, ethical and responsible.

Authors must also ensure that there is no plagiarism or other scientific misconduct arising from its use, and that all sources of information used are properly cited. On the other hand, claiming authorship of content generated by artificial intelligence tools constitutes scientific misconduct.

Peer reviewers should not upload manuscripts to this journal on software or other artificial intelligence technologies where confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal International Politics will be verified during the preliminary evaluation process, making use of available tools for AI detection, such as Оriginаlity, ZеrоGPT, Cоntеnt аt scаlе, Writеr, Copyleaks and GPTZеrо.

In case of detection of undeclared or improper use of generative artificial intelligence in the writing of the submitted manuscript, the editors will contact the authors involved in this practice to inform them about the rejection of the manuscript.

Copyright Policy

Authors who have publications with this journal agree to the following terms:

  • Authors will retain their copyright and will guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows its use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, as well as the generation of derivative works; as long as the original author is acknowledged, and it is done for non-commercial purposes.
  • Authors may establish other non-exclusive license agreements for distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (e.g.: deposit it in an institutional repository, academic networks, social networks, personal blogs, publish it in a book, etc.) as long as the initial publication in this journal is indicated.

Authors are encouraged to disseminate their papers published in the journal through digital media, as it can lead to productive exchanges, increase the dissemination and visibility of scientific production, as well as contribute to earlier and higher citation of papers.

For detailed information on the complete terms of the license, see

Explanatory elements on the structure of the Manuscript


The title of the paper should be no longer than 15 words. It should be an abbreviated and clear representation of the essential content of the article, of its object of study. It should be written in a language that also allows for better retrieval and indexing. It must not include acronyms, abbreviations, symbols. It should not end with a full stop. It should be written in upper and lower case, instead of upper case only. It must be translated into English.

Abstract and Keywords

All papers will be accompanied by an abstract of 250 words maximum. The abstract should clearly and briefly state the objectives of the paper, the main results of the work, and its main conclusions. It must be written in a single paragraph, without a full stop (American paragraph). No acronyms, abbreviations, footnotes or bibliographical citations should be used. It will not refer to figures or images in the text. It shall be translated into English.

The abstract will be accompanied by 3 to 6 keywords (in Spanish and English), which describe the content of the article and facilitate information retrieval and bibliographic indexing. It is recommended, if necessary, the use of specific or disciplinary thesauri, in correspondence with the subject of the paper. They will be placed after the abstract in the respective language. The use of abbreviations is not accepted.


It provides, in a precise and concrete manner, the necessary elements for the understanding of the nature and scope of the work. It should include the main background and the state of the subject to be addressed by the article, as well as the novelty and importance of the article. The last paragraph of the introduction should explicitly address the objectives of the paper.

If appropriate, it should include the methods used in the research, the organization where it was carried out, the duration, the characteristics of the series, the sample selection system and the techniques used. In quantitative research, the statistical methods must be described.


It must state the main results achieved, which must correspond to the objectives set out in the introduction. It contains the presentation and analysis of the fundamental subject, and is supported by information from the necessary bibliographical sources. Tables or figures, or both, may be used to complement the information, although unnecessary repetition of results already included in the tables should be avoided, and the most relevant data should be highlighted.

In the discussion, the authors comment on and analyze the results, relating them to those already obtained in other studies, making use of the corresponding bibliographical citations.


Conclusions should be brief and concise and should be derived directly from the results, avoiding statements that are not supported by the results obtained in the study and research. They should highlight the main contribution of the research. They may identify issues for further research, the limitations of the work and make recommendations for future research.

Policy of information on sources of funding

All authors are required to declare whether they have received financial support to carry out their research and the elaboration of the postulated work. At the time of submission of the article, any financial support received, whether from public or private entities, related to data collection, analysis or interpretation of the results, and even the writing of the manuscript, should be clearly indicated.

Each author should individually provide all information regarding the sources of funding associated with the research presented. This information should include: the name of the funding entity, the funding identification number, and a description of the role played by the funding entity in the development of the research.

The statement of this information should be made in the Cover Letter accompanying the article. In addition, this information will be reflected in the final section of the article, after the bibliographical references, under the section entitled “Funding”.

Norms for the use of Citations and Bibliographical References

The journal Política Internacional follows the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition, for citations and bibliographical references in its articles.

The number of bibliographical references should be adequate to ensure the quality and scientific relevance of the proposed article, although a maximum of 25 references is recommended. It is important that the bibliographical references and citations are complete. Inaccuracies or errors in these may lead to the suspension or delay of the editorial process of the article.

Authors are responsible for the veracity of the citations and bibliographical references they state in their papers. It is recommended that sources from the last five years be used preferably, unless the study in question requires the use of earlier sources.

On the use of citations in the manuscript:

The APA Style citation system is based on the use of the author's surname and year of publication, followed by the page number(s) on which the cited information is found, separated by commas (surname(s), year, page(s)). Footnotes should not be used to indicate bibliographic sources. Indication of page(s) is mandatory only for textual citations.

Verbatim or direct quotations:

These should reproduce the material exactly, without changes or additions. To indicate the source cited, the author, year and page number should be included.

If, when assessing the information received from previous studies, we find that: "the world shall..." (Gutiérrez, 2019, p. 35).

In case the source does not have pagination, the corresponding paragraph number is written.

If we value the information received and according to the criteria set out by Gutiérrez in 2019, we can quote: "the world shall..." (p. 35).

If the quotation is less than 40 words long, it should be placed as part of the body of the text, between inverted commas and at the end in brackets the reference data is indicated. If the quotation is longer than 40 words, it should be written in a separate paragraph, without inverted commas and aligned to the left.

Indirect quotations or paraphrases:

Indirect quotations, or paraphrases, consist of expressing in one's own words ideas obtained from another text or author. This technique makes it possible to summarise, compare and synthesise information from one or more sources. In this case, the rules of textual citation are followed, except for the use of inverted commas and quotations in a separate paragraph.

For example, one can write: "The rate of deaths caused by wars during the 21st century has increased exponentially" (Guzmán, 2020, p. 143).

It is important to note that only in exceptional cases can the page number be deliberately omitted from the paraphrase. This happens when several ideas expressed throughout a work are summarised, and not a particular idea that can be located in the cited source.

An example of this is when it is mentioned that "Canimarca was a predominantly rural society, the majority of its population was only marginally integrated into the national economy" (Delgado, 2010).

 Additional citation rules:

  • When the reference has two authors, both surnames are written separated by "and" if they are cited in the text, or by "&" if they are cited in parentheses: González and Rodríguez (2015) state... or (González & Rodríguez, 2015, p. 45).
  • When the reference has three to five authors, all the surnames are written the first time they are cited in the text, and then only the first one followed by "et al." in italics: De Armas, González, Rodríguez and Hernández (2020) state that.... / In other cases, the authors found that.... (De Armas et al., 2020).
  • When the reference has six or more authors, only the surname of the first author is written followed by "et al." in italics from the first time it is cited in the text.
  • When the reference is by a corporate or institutional author with acronyms or abbreviations, the full name of the organisation is written the first time it is cited in the text, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses, and then only the acronym or abbreviation is used: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO, 2019) and then UNESCO (2019).
  • When the reference is to a corporate or institutional author without acronyms or abbreviations, the full name of the body is written each time it is cited in the text: Confucius Institute (2015), (Confucius Institute, 2015).
  • When two or more papers are cited in the same parenthesis, they are ordered alphabetically and chronologically, separated by semicolons, following the order of the reference list: Many studies confirm the results (González, 2013; Hernández, 2015; Rodríguez; 2015 and Sifuentes, 2017).
  • When citing works by the same author with the same publication date, a lowercase letter is added after the year, starting with "a" and following the alphabetical order of the titles: (Rodríguez, 2015a), (Rodríguez, 2015b). Bibliographic references are ordered alphabetically by title.
  • When personal communications are cited, such as personal letters, e-mails, etc., the name and surname of the person who provided the information is written, followed by the expression "personal communication" and the exact date: Daniel Cisneros (personal communication, 27 July 2020). They are not included in the bibliographical references, but only appear as citations in the text.
  • When citing a source without a date, write "n. d." in parentheses after the author: González (n. d.), Rodríguez (n. d.).
  • When citing an anonymous source, write the full title or an abbreviated version of the title in inverted commas if it is an article or book chapter, or in italics if it is a book or report: ("Climate study", 2018), Climate study (2018).


On the use of bibliographical references:

  • References should be arranged alphabetically by authors' surnames, starting from the first entry element, using French indentation (0.5 cm and applied from the second line of each reference).
  • They generally follow the following order: author (surname, first initials in capital letters), date of publication (year in brackets), title of the work in italics, City, Country: Publisher. The word "Country" should be omitted if the city is internationally known or if it coincides with the name of the country. For example: Madrid: Alianza; New York, NY: Routledge; Lima, Peru: Fondo Editorial.
  • All references cited in the article should be included in the Bibliographical references.
  • If there is more than one bibliographical entry by the same author, they should be ordered chronologically by the dates of the works.
  • When there are two or more texts by the same author, published in the same year, they are ordered alphabetically by the title of the text, adding a lowercase letter after the year in references and in citations adding a lowercase letter after the year or, beginning with a. For example: Pérez (2010a), Pérez (2010b). In references incorporated within the text, these indications must be preserved with letters.
  • When the work is anonymous or there is no identifiable author, the bibliographic reference is introduced alphabetically by the first significant word of the title.
  • A semicolon (;) should be used to separate the elements of a reference when there is more than one author, editor, organiser or translator. For example: Pérez, J.; García, M. & López, R. (2019).
  • The long dash (-) should be used to indicate that a reference has the same author(s) as the previous one. For example: Pérez, J. (2018). El arte de escribir. Madrid, Spain: Alianza.

- (2020). Creative writing. Barcelona, Spain: Planeta.

  • The abbreviation "n. d." (undated) should be used when the year of publication of a work is not known. For example: García, M. (n. d.). La novela histórica. Bogotá, Colombia: Norma.
  • The abbreviation "s. l." (without place) should be used when the year of publication of a work is not known. (no place) should be used when the city or country where a work was published is not known. For example: López, R. (2017). La poesía contemporánea. s. l.: Anagrama.
  • The abbreviation "s. n." (no name) should be used when the publisher that published a work is not known. For example: Pérez, J. (2019). El ensayo literario. Lima, Peru: s. n.



  • Book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Publisher.
  • Book with several authors: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Year). Title. Publisher.
  • Book with publisher: Surname, A. A. (Ed.) (Year). Title. Publisher.
  • Electronic book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. URL
  • Electronic book with DOI: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title.
  • Unpublished text: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the text [Unpublished]. Corresponding institution.
  • When there is no author: Title of the text (Year). Publisher.
  • When the author is an institution: Name of the Institution (Year). Title of the text.
  • Chapter or part of book: Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
  • Periodical publications in printed format: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(number), pp-pp.
  • Periodical publications with DOI: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(number), pp-pp.
  • Online periodicals: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Journal name, volume(number), pp-pp. URL
  • To reference web pages, the following format should be used: Surname, A. A. (Date). Title of the page. Place of publication: Publisher. Retrieved from http://www...
  • For example: Pérez, J. (2020). The importance of virtual education. Bogotá: Editorial Universitaria. Retrieved from
  • For referencing internet forums, mailing lists and other online communities, the following format should be used: Author, (Day, Month, Year) Message title [Description of the form] Retrieved from http://www...
  • For example: García, M. (15 August 2021) How to improve academic writing? [Message in a forum] Retrieved from
  • To reference works presented at events, the following format should be used: Surname, Initials (Year) "Title of the work", Indication of whether it is a paper or conference, Name of the event, Entity that organised the event (if any), City or country where the event took place, days or months in which the event took place.
  • For example: Rodríguez, L. (2019): "El impacto de las redes sociales en la comunicación política", Paper, Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional, Lima, Peru, 10-12 November 2019.

Norms for the use of tables and figures

Tables and figures should be inserted where appropriate in the text. There should be no redundancy between the information shown in tables or figures and the content. Do not use small tables or simple figures whose information can be easily expressed in the text. A maximum of 5 tables and 5 figures will be allowed; in exceptional cases the executive editor will approve a higher number of any of these.

If tables or figures reproduced from another text are used, credit must be given to the original author and to the owner of the reproduction rights, ensuring that authorization to use them is available. If they are original, it must be made clear that they are the author's own work.

Figures, graphs and tables, before appearing visually, must be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively. They must be legible and in sizes suitable for their correct visualization. The International System of Units shall be used. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They must be centered, using Arial 10 pt and with the heading in bold. The title of the table should be placed at the top, aligned to the left, with initial capital letters. They must always be accompanied by the bibliographic source (author, year and page) from which they were taken.

 Example of a table title:

Table 1. Model of predictors of the appropriateness of a pedagogical strategy.

The term figure refers to any type of illustration: photographs, graphs, drawings, plans, maps or any other type of illustration included in a scientific work.  Figures should be numbered consecutively in the same order in which they are cited in the text, with Arabic numerals. Figure captions should be formatted in Arial 10 pt, centred and in bold typeface.

Example of a figure caption:

Fig. 1. Playful-creative methodology:

Policy for evaluation of articles submitted by editors, editorial board members or authors from the publishing Institution

All articles submitted by editors, editorial board members or authors from the publishing institution will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process. These articles will be treated with the same impartiality and quality standards as articles submitted by other authors. Editors and Editorial Board members will not be allowed to review their own papers, and the selection of external reviewers without conflicts of interest will be ensured. Transparency and integrity are central to our commitment to the scientific community.


Title in Spanish: insert title here [Upper and lower case, bold, Arial 12 pt].

Title in English: insert title here [Upper and lower case, Arial, italic, 12 pt].

Abstract in Spanish: [Upper and lowercase, Arial, 12 pto, up to 250 words]

Keywords in Spanish: [Upper and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt, 3 to 6 keywords, separated by comma] Abstract in English: [Uppercase and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt, up to 250 words] Abstract in Spanish: [Uppercase and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt, up to 250 words

Abstract in English: [Uppercase and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt, up to 250 words] Keywords in English: [Uppercase and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt.

Keywords in English: [Uppercase and lowercase, Arial, 12 pt, 3 to 6 keywords, separated by comma]

Introduction: [first heading level, Arial, bold, 12 pt.]

Development: [first level of heading, Arial, bold, 12 pt].

Epigraphs: [second level heading, Arial 12 pto]

Conclusions: [use of First level heading, Arial, bold, 12 pt.]

Acknowledgements: [Optional, first level heading, Arial, bold, 11 pt] Bibliographical References: [First level heading, Arial, bold, 11 pt

Bibliographical References: [First heading level, Arial, bold, 12 pt, French indentation]

Annexes: [Optional, first level of heading, Arial, bold, 11 pt]


Papers submitted for publication should be sent in digital format to the journal's institutional e-mail addresses: and, by means of a written communication addressed to the Editorial Board. See above for specific instructions to authors. The Editorial Policy of the journal should be consulted.

By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) acknowledge(s) that they are aware of and accept(s) the journal's editorial policy. Authors will retain their copyright and grant the Journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0), which permits its use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, as well as the creation of derivative works; provided that the original author is acknowledged and that it is done for non-commercial purposes.

The publication of the articles does not mean that the journal shares the contents of the articles. The opinions and concepts expressed in the articles and other contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors.