Cuba's contributions to the decolonisation process in Africa 1964-1984. Interview with Ambassador Dr. Oscar Oramas Oliva
Cuba, Africa, Cuban foreign policy, Cuban diplomacy, Fidel Castro Ruz, national liberationAbstract
The interview with Ambassador Dr. Oscar Oramas Oliva presents a comprehensive overview of his activities in the Cuban Foreign Service between 1964-1984, directly related to the revolutionary policy of solidarity and moral and material support to the national liberation movements of the African continent and in some cases to the defence of the national independence achieved. Of great importance during those 20 years was the creation and implementation of innovative international political principles, derived from diplomatic practice in situ and the profound knowledge acquired about Africa and its main political actors, which Dr. Oramas managed to accumulate with great perspicacity, intelligence and perseverance. Of great importance is also the direct link of the young diplomat with the national leadership of the Cuban Revolution, especially with Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, historical leader and fundamental strategist of Cuban internationalist thought and action carried out with great effectiveness in the African revolutionary epic, which indelibly marked, until today, a stage of international history and diplomacy in the 20th century
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