Call for papers

The journal Política Internacional of the Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García” of Cuba invites you to submit papers to its Volume VI, No. 4/2024 (October-December).

Open call for papers on International Relations and International Politics.

Deadline: August 15, 2024.

Submissions to: and

Publication: October 2024

Authors are invited to address various topics, such as diplomacy and international relations of Cuba, case studies on diplomacy and foreign policy of other countries, redistribution of global power, alliances, groups, associations and integration processes, analysis on geopolitics and geoeconomics, foreign policy and international diplomacy, environment and climate change, peace and international security, new technologies and their impact on the global order, international monetary and financial architecture, globalization and de-globalization processes, challenges to sustainable development and financing for development, challenges and debates in international law, international political communication, multilateralism, multipolarism and international cooperation, among other relevant international issues.

Our journal is indexed in prestigious directories, catalogs, portals, platforms, repositories, networks and academic search engines, both national and international

See the publication guidelines for authors at:, as well as the Editorial Policy of the journal:

We look forward for your contributions to continue enriching the analysis on international relations and international politics.