The projection of the Cuban Revolution's foreign policy and its impact on the changes in the structure of MINREX (1962-1968)


  • Grettel Gómez González Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales por el Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García”, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, La Habana, Cuba.Correo:



he Cuban Revolution's foreign policy projection has been explained fundamentally as a response to the global scenario and, in less research, as a result of domestic policy or its interaction with the former. It is a novel approach in the field of historical studies of International Relations to explain the implementation of foreign policy - framed and influenced by a given national and international context - through the structural changes that had to be implemented within the executing organisation. Hence, the general objective of this article is to explain the projection of the Cuban Revolution's foreign policy and its impact on the structural changes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the period 1962-1968. During these years, Cuba defended its position as a non-aligned, socialist, underdeveloped, Latin American and Caribbean country in the context of the Cold War and the emergence of new states. The revolutionary government achieved broad legitimacy in the Third World and the economic backing of the socialist camp. Fidel Castro consolidated his position as leader of the Revolution and of the National Liberation Movements, challenging the post-war status quo and the foreign policy policies of the main hegemons.


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How to Cite

Gómez González, G. (2024). The projection of the Cuban Revolution’s foreign policy and its impact on the changes in the structure of MINREX (1962-1968). Revista Política Internacional, 6(1), 132–143.

