Journal Política Internacional is indexed in Scielo


Dear Readers,

We are pleased to inform you that the journal Política Internacional has met the necessary requirements to enter the SciELO Cuba Collection, which is part of the SciELO Network.

SciELO is one of the most prestigious and important indexes in Ibero-America and the world.

SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is an electronic library project, an initiative of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP) and the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME). It also has the support of various international institutions linked to scientific publishing and dissemination.

The main objective of the SciELO Network is to contribute to the international dissemination of the scientific literature generated in each country, as well as to improve and increase the visibility and the scientific, cultural and social impact of the publications of the Latin American and Caribbean region.

This new indexing contributes to the greater impact and scope of our publication, and reaffirms our commitment to the highest standards of quality and scientific and editorial excellence.

Yours sincerely,

Editorial Team of the Política Internacional Review