Implementation of new editorial practices starting with Volume VI, No. 3 of 2024 (July-September).


Dear readers,

In order to promote continuous improvement in the quality of our articles, we are pleased to announce the implementation of new editorial practices starting with Volume VI, No. 3 of 2024 (July-September).

Thus, information on the publication date of the paper will be included in the text of all published articles. In addition, copyright information will be added at the end of the text and, if applicable, details on acknowledgements, funding or preprint references in relation to the submitted work. All of this information is provided by authors in the Cover Letter that accompanies manuscripts submitted for consideration in the journal.

These new editorial practices reflect Política International's commitment to academic excellence, transparency and scientific integrity, and we are confident that they will contribute to enriching the experience of our readers.

Respectfully yours,

Editorial team of the Política Internacional Review